Sunday, December 27, 2015

thermotron pervert-- Ezekiel 25-17 (The Bonnie Situation)

thermotron former employee — we made some changes sence then- A-hole


well you are right
it is safe to say “only say good things”
as i don’t have very many good things to say about the different liers thieves and embzzlers and drunks and slanders i worked thermotron ..
nownow as tom bannish bragged it’s ok to be currupt ..
he like most of the people who are evil there will be dead and go to hell..
good riddence.
as a matter of face do you know of any of the people from there who have good character?
i can count them on one hand
But as i have never worked with such a big determined gang of liers, slanders and theves, as with thermotron..
The Boeing project i got introduced to tenbrink and durham.. both liers and embezzlers, and drunks this is the first time management allowed people to be drunk on the job and falseafy their work hours.. (i think not)
but bob wiles was a lier and a drunk..
I was the exception and that is why Mr Pietz at boeing hired me 3 years later.. i am normal.. and reliable. He said that he likes to hire people who u don’t have to wonder what they are doing
John TenBrink was such a bad example of a Thermotron employee that he could’nt get them to hire him even as a custodian, janitor. That was during the time boeing had over 25,000 thousand employees.. and he found that he couldn’t find a decient job any where in kansas..
So finally he begged Bob Wiley (he was now a promotion guy)at sexton Espec inc. because “Old Bob is as smart as a fox) ya right.. if u believe that then we will sell your children out as Whores.
But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend.
from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen’t take much to fill out a “request for material” and his evualiation of Environtronics was that as a “spin off” company.. they took 2 steps and fell on their face..
I met Gary Molinar at Russles Technicial Products.. and at this company Don Bench hired people who needed to learn a trade.. and learn a job
But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job” not just learn a job.
I quit here because Bill Bench was sending me out to start-up equipment that didn’t quite work right.. and finally bill told me that that it didn’t matter if the equipment worked at all, my job was to get the customer to sign off. I told him i didn’t defraud people. and lia.. so he drummed me out.. The last job in New York.. was typical of his style.. “he shipped a 40 by 50 foot walkin chamber that had never been tested or assembled..
and the customer thought there would be a factory team to complete this project.. but there was only me. ha
back at thermotron
Tom bannash promoted lieing cheating and stealing and embezzeling and slandering employees on the west coast, he said “everyone is the manager” and he would go around saying”sombody said , this or that but i didn’t believe it, or he would tell me and others that “He lied for U“
Then he would send Dean Tripp an old time sales/manager/senior service guy to lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on. (dean tripp is in Farmington New Mex) he said they like people who are like this..
Tom Bannish bragged that Roger Cannery let him do “His thing“ which was:
1. it’s ok to lie,cheat and defraud people a little bit everyday (because everyone he knows is that way) he told me that everyone was cheating on their expenses and that i needed to do the same. (Get with the program)
2. if someone does a good job he will lie and say they did a bad job.
3.if someone does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job
4if some one needs help with a job, he will lie and say they don’t need help.
5if someone doesnot need help he will lie and say that they need help.
the evil guy i worked with once showed me all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up.
He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff and my self told tom banish and he considered it ok.
This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars
and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand
by removing bo bjarno the last blockage.
Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash.
Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies.,
Now the fact
that dan o’keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the “gay ” and the gay
blade behind” their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there.
Hil sysbesma told me embezzling was not stealing it was “working the system”his rate was about $000 .00 while i was there…
So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man..
the big joke was that he took a pay cut to go into sales.. ya right.
Oh ya Curtt (bo bjarno’s ) replacement said all jim rulloff did was walk around with a good grip on his ankles.
Obviously dan o’keef would make any Roman Catholic childmolester or petafile safe and proud,
Dan O’keefe did tell me that this company lets in any type of person.. when i asked Tom Bannash what the Hell he ment by that?
his reply was typical for a tom bannish
“I don’t know“
Nobody else askes me that question.
ask wayne or mark lamers
oh what’s the surprise??
if u work for thermotron expect to be lied to .. because this company is run like a male /female escort service


  1. Should Be More Concerned About Embezzlement
    By admin on Jul 29, 2019 in Best Practices
    No one wants to believe their trusted employees would steal from them, yet it happens all the time. People create fictitious vendors, inflate their salaries, and sometimes just take things without asking.

    According to international insurance firm Hiscox, 85% of embezzlement cases were committed by someone in a management position or higher.

    Meaning, these fraudsters are typically the employees you trust with your bank accounts, inventory, and sensitive information.
    Below, we’ll discuss what companies need to know about embezzlement and how they can prevent it from happening in the first place.

    Grab our free chapter on embezzlement in the workplace here for a deeper dive into internal theft.

    Before we look at some of the ways that companies can identify and prevent embezzlement from happening to them, we need to quickly define what embezzlement actually is.

    Embezzlement is a specific type of fraud that can be very difficult to prove. For general fraud to cross into embezzlement territory, it needs to meet the following criteria:

    There must be a professional connection between the embezzler and the targeted victim. In most cases, this would be an employee-employer relationship.
    The alleged embezzler must have taken assets or funds by taking advantage of that professional relationship. In other words, an employee can gain access to a system because of their status–they have access to finances or information that enabled them to steal from the employer.
    The alleged embezzler must have formally taken ownership of the stolen assets, goods, or funds in question, or deliberately transferred ownership to someone else.
    The person accused of embezzling must have intentionally taken something from their employer. While this seems obvious, it can be something of a murky area. In some cases, the alleged embezzler may not be aware that they’ve done something wrong, particularly if there’s already a culture of embezzlement at this particular company.
    Now that we’ve defined embezzlement, what kind of activity actually qualifies as embezzlement?

    Payroll and Overtime Theft—Payroll fraud is one of the most common types of embezzlement and involves a payroll administrator inflating their own salary or someone else’s. In some cases, employees have added fake employees to the payroll, linking the deposits to a second bank account of their own. On a lesser note, employees who are hourly workers may abuse the system by claiming they’ve worked more hours than they really did, or commission-based workers may exaggerate the amount sold.
    Stock or Property Theft—In this case, an employee might just steal inventory or company property with no intention of returning it. This is more common in industries like retail where employees may walk off with inventory if there aren’t proper security measures in place.
    Cash Skimming—One of the more common forms of embezzlement, cash skimming is when an employee with access to funds either takes a small amount of cash themselves or siphons off a percentage of funds for themselves.
    Data Theft—In this case, the employee intercepts customer or company credit card information, or gets customers to make payments to a separate bank account by doctoring the information listed on an invoice.
    Impact of

  2. like the Tinkerbell thinking about it


    The climate crisis is not a sudden asteroid-strike event, like the destruction of the World Trade Center towers in 2001. It’s a vastly bigger and stronger disturbance that will eventually be affecting everyone, everything, everywhere, to a breathtaking degree, and causing much irreversible damage. It’s the unintentional result of way too many people, living way too hard, for way too long.

    Hopium addicts jabber about “solving” the climate crisis, and looking forward to a sustainable green future. There is nothing that the magicians of technology cannot fix. Hope fiends have blind faith that “it’s not too late.” Buy an electric car, put solar panels on your roof, shop like there’s no tomorrow, and enjoy a long and fabulous life.

    The dreamy perceptions of these hope fiends reflects a deficit of understanding,

    in combination with the Tinker Bell Effect.

    In the Peter Pan story, Tinker Bell is the fluttering fairy of magical thinking,

    “Just think a happy thought and you can fly!”
    Albert Bartlett was amused by the popular fantasy that

    if you called something “sustainable” enough times, then it was!

    Megan Seibert and William Rees did an excellent job of explaining why sustainable alternative energy visions are neither sustainable nor possible. Their report describes why “the pat notion of ‘affordable clean energy’ views the world through a narrow keyhole that is blind to innumerable economic, ecological, and social costs.” Alice Friedemann examined the alternative energy options, and described why none of them were an effective or realistic solution.

    In addition to the hopium addicts are the shameless bullshit hucksters. They are supported by wealthy interests that want to keep the planet-thrashing status quo on life support ventilators for as long as humanly possible. Their cash cows produce generous profits, but exist at the expense of the family of life. Bullshit artists have been highly successful at sowing the seeds of doubt. Climate change is a hoax promoted by devil worshippers! We’re regularly splattered with a firehose of deliberate misinformation.

    The unfortunate reality is that 7.8 billion people cannot simply think a happy thought and become ecologically harmless. Climate change is the stinky steaming 100 ton turd in the swimming pool. It horrifies us, because it rubbishes our fantasies of human supremacy, endless progress, and the best is yet to come. It makes our beloved “high standard of living” look like an insanely stupid hallucination (which it is) — a reckless high speed joyride that leaves the planet in ruins.

  3. Don't Bullsh*t Yourself!
    Crush the Excuses That Are Holding You Back
    By Jon Taffer · 2018

    OverviewGet the bookMore by authorSimilar books

    ISBN:9780735217010, 0735217017
    Page count:224
    Published:March 13, 2018
    Publisher:Penguin Publishing Group
    Author:Jon Taffer

    :At thermotron Bob Wiley motto was it didn't matter so long as you didn't get Wiley in trouble.
    John tembrink said bob was as smart as a fox 🦊. because he believes my lies .
    Tom Patterson said he didn't want to say anything about the embezzlers and liar's cuz they will attack you. Gregory V Johnson said it doesn't matter what you say about your co workers.
    Tom bannach said it A ok to lie cheat defraud your co-workers and the customer . Because everyone is currupt. And Tom bannach defraud all his Co workers.
    Dean Tripp said he would lie about everyone.

    Jim Mullen: Rewarding bad behavior: Abusers, cheaters get ahead
    Posted Apr 11, 2019 at 4:00 AM

    Somewhere today, there will be breaking news that a well-known and/or powerful person has been accused of abusing an employee, co-worker or romantic partner. So here's the question: Did their bad behavior only start after they became well-known or powerful?

    It seems much more likely to me that they didn't become abusers when they became powerful, but that they became powerful because they were abusers.

    Think about it — isn't the most conniving, evil, creepy, abusive back-stabber in your workplace the one who's most likely to get promoted? Isn't the guy or gal who takes credit for your work, who cuts corners, who breaks the rules and sucks up to the bosses the most likely to skip a grade?

    If this is true, then serial abusers are more likely to climb the corporate ladder, the church hierarchy or the military ranks than their more worthy co-workers. How else to explain the college bribery scandal — not to mention the political scandals, church scandals, corporate scandals and Hollywood scandals that are all happening at the same time? How is it that so many ethically challenged people have risen to the top of the heap over the good and decent ones?

    Cream no longer rises to the top. At best, it's tolerated down at the bottom. After all, somebody has to do the work while the abusers focus on getting ahead.

    So often we hear about famous, powerful people making life miserable for everyone who works for or near them that it's easy to think
